The MMPI-3: Training for clinical and forensic contexts
A training workshop for psychologists with novice, intermediary and advanced experience of working with the MMP1-3. The workshop will also review clinical and forensic applications of the MMPI-3.

With reknowned MMPI-3 expert Professor Martin Sellbom
University of Otago
Tuesday 31st October 2023
This workshop will review the MMPI-3 assessment tool and its clinical and forensic application. This workshop will review the rationale for and methods used to develop the MMPI-3, the various materials available to administer and score the test, as well as interpretive recommendations. A substantial portion of time will be devoted to applications of the MMPI-3, inclusive of case studies. Attendees will have an opportunity to practice the recommended strategy for MMPI-3 interpretation.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the rationale for and methods used to develop the MMPI-3.
2. Describe the MMPI-3 scales and their interpretation.
3. Describe key features of administration, scoring, and interpretative framework.
4. Describe procedures and best practices for utilising the MMPI-3 within clinical and forensic psychological assessments.
5. Interpret and integrate MMPI-3 results with other assessment data through case analysis.
The guiding aim of this workshop is to allow you to understand and use this test with confidence.
About the presenter
Professor Martin Sellbom is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2007 from Kent State University (Kent, Ohio, USA). Prof Sellbom’s research focuses on psychopathy and other personality disorders, the broader integration of personality and psychopathology, and applied personality assessment with the MMPI-2-RF. His work has been featured in about 200 peer-reviewed publications, and he has co-authored a book titled Forensic Applications of the MMPI-2-RF: A Case Book. He has also won several awards, including the American Psychology-Law Society’s Saleem Shah Award and Society for Personality Assessment’s Samuel and Anne Beck Award – both for early career achievement. Prof Sellbom is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Personality Assessment and has previously served as an Associate Editor for Psychological Assessment, Journal of Personality Disorders, Assessment, and International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. For his clinical practice, he specializes in court-ordered forensic psychological evaluations and pre-employment evaluations for public safety positions examples.